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Tips for Tenants to Avoid Problems this Winter

Tips for Tenants to Avoid Problems this Winter
  • As tenants, there is a lot you can do to ensure the property you are staying in remains safe and secure during the winter months. It is important that you have available at all times, the landlords’ contact number and an emergency number to use when only necessary.
  • We also suggest taking the time to understand how your heating works. How to control the temperature to make sure you stay warm enough throughout winter.
  • This is also a good time to double-check that the smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms are all working well. We suggest running a test run if possible, so in the case of an emergency, you are aware of what the alarms may sound like.
  • During winter, the consequences of condensation likely increase. Make sure any ventilation system is in full use, especially in areas where moisture is likely to build up, such as the bathroom and kitchen. You should aim to keep your property as ventilated as possible indoors so keeping the internal doors open will help with the flow of air. Mould and rot caused by a lack of ventilation can have irreversible damage on your health.
  • As more hating appliances are being used, we also suggest knowing the location of your fuse box and how to reset it if you have to. Keeping a torch handy will prevent any accidents from not being able to see!
  • As the temperature begins to decrease, pipes which carry water will also start to get colder. In the case that they freeze, they could eventually burst to cause the property to flood. Remember to ask your landlord how to turn off the water supply in case you need to, and then contact your emergency contact. Burst pipes can be prevented by keeping your heat on low and on a timer if you are planning on leaving the property for the holidays. This way, the pipes remain warm enough to not freeze and burst.
  • Report any issues to your landlord straight away, even if they are small. Small problems can easily become big and expensive to repair if they go unattended. This can easily happen during the holiday period as everyone starts to get busy.
  • If you are planning on leaving the property for winter, we suggest that you use lights which are on a timer so you deter burglars.

If you are looking for a property to rent, contact Kronos Estate Agents today at 020 8004 4477. You can also email us Happy Holidays!


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